High-sodium foods are not always easy to spot, and the truth is that most of us consume way more salt than the recommended amount. What if I told you that many of us eat at least 5 teaspoons of salt daily? This is way more than what our body needs.
Eating high-sodium food can lead to heart problems, high blood pressure, and other serious health consequences, such as a stroke.
Reducing the amount of salt that goes into our body is easy, but you need to know what is the root of the problem. Get to know the worst 11 foods when it comes to controlling your sodium intake, and eliminate them from your diet, or limit their consumption.
Canned Soups
The convenience and taste of canned soups make them a favorite in many houses, but if you are on a low-sodium diet or want to look after your heart health, these cans are a no-no. The best alternative if making homemade soups such as leek soup, lentil soup, or red lentil soup.
Instant Noodles
The only good thing about Instant Noodles is the power they have to satisfy your cravings and the minimal effort they take to make, but they're full of additives and other ingredients you don't want to put in your body if you love yourself! These cups are high in salt, making them a bad choice if you want to reduce the amount of sodium you eat.
Frozen Meals
Frozen meals are convenient but often contain high levels of sodium that adds flavor and preservation. Instead, prepare homemade freezer meals with fresh ingredients.
Soy Sauce, Sauces and Marinades
Sauces such as soy sauce, barbecue sauce, and ketchup can be very high in sodium. Look for low-sodium versions, or use herbs, spices, and vinegar to flavor foods instead.
Smoked, Cured, Salted or Canned Meat
This includes deli meats, bacon, sausage, and hot dogs, which are often very high in sodium due to the curing process. Also, sardines, caviar, or anchovies should be avoided for a low-sodium diet.
Pickled Foods
Due to the pickling process, pickles, olives, and other pickled vegetables are high in sodium. You can still enjoy these in moderation, but try to reduce your consumption for better heart health.
Canned Vegetables
When it comes to fresh vegetables, you are safe eating as many as you want when you're on a low-sodium diet, but canned vegetables is a different story. These vegetables tend to high in sodium as salt is used as a preservative.
Store-bought Pasta Sauces
Pesto, Napolitana, Bolognese, or other type of sauces are very handy to speed the cooking process on those days when time is limited. You can use these quick-sauces from time to time, but a frequent consumption of these products won't help your heart health. Try making your own sauces such as this vegetarian bolognese.
Dehydrated Soup, Store-Bought Broth, or Bouillon
Dehydrated soups, broths, or bouillon, are typically loaded with sodium, often used as a preservative and flavor enhancer. Change these for homemade stock to control the amount of salt added to the meal.
Bottled Salad Dressings
Your best option when it comes to salad dressings is olive oil and vinegar. These two ingredients combined with some dried herbs is all you need to flavor your salad. Bottled dressings are packed with saturated fats, sugar, and salt. A very bad choice for you overall health is you ask me!
Salted Nuts
Why putting your health at risk when you can get unsalted nuts that taste just as good, and don't compromise your health? Next time you go shopping, make sure you're choosing nuts that come unsalted.
Morning Mistakes: 11 Breakfast Foods to Avoid
If you feel hungry shortly after eating breakfast, you may not be making the best choices when it comes to the first meal of the day.
Tired, moody, dizzy, or hungry are some symptoms of a poor-quality breakfast. What can seem like a good meal can lead to a bad start to your day, followed by making poor choices for the rest of your meals. Eating a healthy and complete breakfast is crucial to setting the right intentions for the day: exercising, studying, focusing, an important meeting, or having a better mood for your loved ones.
See Them Here: Morning Mistakes: 11 Breakfast Foods to Avoid
11 Foods To Improve Your Cholesterol Levels
What can we eat to improve our Cholesterol Levels? These 11 Foods can help you reduce your bad cholesterol while enhancing your good one.
Rich in fiber, antioxidants, or other compounds that improve our overall health, these foods are easy to include in your diet without making significant changes.
See Them Here: 11 Foods To Improve Your Cholesterol Levels
Top 10 Vegetables for Improving and Maintaining Healthy Eyesight
As we age, our eyes need more than regular check-ups. Like the rest of the body, they also need nutrition. What better way to provide them with the necessary vitamins and antioxidants than through the food we eat?
Here are the top 10 vegetables packed with vision-boosting nutrients. From the leafy greens of spinach to the vibrant hues of carrots and red peppers, these vegetables are nature’s way of looking out for your eyes. These everyday veggies help play an essential role in maintaining your vision and keeping your eyes healthy.
See Them Here: Top 10 Vegetables For Improving And Maintaining Healthy Eyesight
The post 11 High-Sodium Foods to Avoid for Better Heart Health appeared first on Six Hungry Feet.